Philippians 4:12

Faith in life through good and hard times

Digging for Change


I mean this both literally and figuratively.

We are in a season of financial drought. Our family business is making enough money to just pay bills with little to no margin. We have had to “loan” the company some of our savings to pay contractors and bills. Our pockets are shriveling.

Our oldest son is quite gifted. My husband wants him to go to high school next year, not be homeschooled. I do not want him to go to public school. So, we have been looking at a college prep school. We cannot afford it as the tuition payments are more than our mortgage payments. I have applied for financial aid and we are working hard to get scholarships.

We donate money to a listener sponsored radio station, not much, but it’s still money I’m not sure we have. My children have decided to sponsor a child through World Vision. This would be their allowance, but, I can put off allowance, I can’t put off an automatic withdrawal.

Our marriage is still raw and in recovery. Change is easier for me than it is for him. He is struggling with the same issues that put us in a not so great place last year.

I lift my eyes unto The Lord; He is where my help comes from

I hear these lyrics play over and over in my head. I pray. I sing. I worship. Lord, I need help!

Thank you. That is all. 😉

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